Business Support & Representation Services by Troika Consulting:

Business/Company Registration:

We handle the nitty-gritty of business registration, ensuring your company is officially recognized and compliant with Nigerian regulations.

Your Nigerian Local Content Partner

Think of us as your local ally. We understand the Nigerian business landscape and act as your guide, ensuring a smooth integration into the local market.

Acting on Your Behalf with Customers and Clients

We become your on-the-ground representatives, dealing with customers and clients on your behalf, fostering positive relationships and ensuring your interests are well-represented.

Registration and Permits:

We take care of the paperwork, securing the necessary permits and registrations required for your business operations in Nigeria.

Obtain Business Permit and Trade License:

From business permits to trade licenses, we handle the bureaucratic processes so you can focus on growing your business.

VAT Filing and Company Tax Clearance Certificate:

Leave the tax-related headaches to us. We manage VAT filings and ensure your company obtains the necessary tax clearance certificates.

Providing Necessary Legal Certificates:

Selling products requires the right paperwork. We ensure you have all the necessary legal certificates for a smooth selling process.

At Troika Consulting, our comprehensive business support and representation services are tailored to simplify your entry and operations in the Nigerian market. Contact us to discover how we can be of service to your business expansion journey.

Corporate Liaison for Foreign Entities